Saturday, May 28, 2011

Human Trafficking & Sexism

Sexism is another important social justice issue that we face all around the world. Sexism is present in every culture and country. Sexism is when someone is treated different because of there sex or gender. Sexism can involve a lot of different issues such as unequal pay to women compared to men, and getting beaten up by there husbands or wives. Sexism can effect both men and women but women are experiencing it more because in most cultures the man is the one who is dominant. In the workplace gender discrimination is very common. It mostly consists of being sexually harassed by the male co workers and getting paid lower then the male workers. Men feel they have more power then women and that they will never be equal. Women fought for there equality rights and to this day women are still treated different because they are women. Some of the male workers that we still have present in our societies believe that women have to do favours for them in order to get a promotion or a raise. Even if they are qualified for it, the male workers feel they can control what the women get. As I said before in most countries and religions the male is more dominant then the women. In the religions and countries where this is present the women in the families are most likely getting beat up often and always at a much lower level then the men. Women are treated bad and called all types of names ranging from unclean, whore and not worthy to be with them. Gender discrimination happened a lot before but it is still happening today all around the world. Men with that kind of mentality only think of there wives as sexual objects and that’s all there good for. Now of days we see this in the media. In music videos women are described as sex objects and willing to do anything for the man. It is not right that we still see that in our society and that people think its right. Music is very popular in the world and by showing people videos like that is giving them the wrong impression on women. We don’t see men in music videos treated the way that women are because that would be considered wrong and not right. Sexism and gender discrimination is presented everywhere and in all types of ways, people need to realize that women are as equal as men are in the world and deserve equal treatment.

-Froso G-

1 comment:

  1. this helped me so much with my english assignment, thank you :)
